What does it cost to deliver and track training to a dispersed and constantly changing workforce? Traditionally these costs can include travel, shipping videos around, faxing completion records, management and administrative time, etc. And then what about consistency of the training message? Are your employees learning the same information if delivered at different times by different people? And what if an employee missed a session? Do you repeat it at additional cost or skip it?
FlexLS delivers tangible and intangible cost and training benefits to your enterprise:
Reduced training costs for travel. Training on-demand 24/7, not just when a trainer is available.
Training Consistency. Having everyone on the same page can supercharge your organizational productivity and safety. This valuable benefit is very achievable through FlexLS online solutions.
No need to ship videos around to your facilities. We deliver them online straight to your employees.
Personnel: Content Development, Database Administration, and Report Management—we provide the team to make it happen. No additional staffing costs to your organization.
Peace of Mind: Thorough, complete and accurate reports that serve as a definitive record of training for each employee. Training records are maintained forever and be accessed on demand.
These benefits are just the beginning. Contact a Client Partner today to learn about how FlexLS can generate superior value that accommodates your budget.